class Solution {
// true means occupied
boolean[] column;
// diagonal
// x-y == constant;
boolean[] diag1;
// reverse diagonal
// x+y == constant
boolean[] diag2;
// constant been used globally
int n;
char[][] board;
public List<List<String>> solveNQueens(int n) {
column = new boolean[n];
// for n*n square, there are in total of 2*n-1 diagonals
// and reverse diagonals
diag1 = new boolean[2*n-1];
diag2 = new boolean[2*n-1];
board = new char[n][n];
for(int i=0;i<n; i++){
for(int j =0;j<n; j++){
this.n = n;
List<List<String>> result = new ArrayList<>();
recursion(0, result);
return result;
private void recursion(int row, List<List<String>> result){
if (row == n){
for (int i = 0; i<n; i++){
if (isAvailablePosition(i, row)){
updateOccupancy(i, row, true);
recursion(row+1, result);
updateOccupancy(i, row, false);
// check if x, y position is available
// x is cloumn, y is row
private boolean isAvailablePosition(int x, int y){
return !column[x] && !diag1[x-y+n-1] && !diag2[x+y];
private List<String> convertBoardToResultEntry(){
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
result.add(new String(board[i]));
return result;
private void updateOccupancy(int x, int y, boolean state){
column[x] = state;
diag1[x-y+n-1] = state;
diag2[x+y] = state;
board[y][x] = state ? 'Q' : '.';