456. 132 Pattern!
class Solution {
public boolean find132pattern(int[] nums) {
// O(n) solution: use array and right part of the array as stack
// record the min number from index [0, j]
int[] memo1 = new int[nums.length];
memo1[0] = nums[0];
for (int i=1; i<memo1.length; i++){
memo1[i]=Math.min(memo1[i-1], nums[i]);
// use the right part of the memo1 as stack
// for j>=stackTop and j<nums.length-1,
// memo[j]<=memo[j+1]
for (int j = nums.length-1, stackTop = nums.length; j>0; j--){
while(stackTop<nums.length && memo1[stackTop]<=memo1[j]){
if(nums[j]>memo1[j] && stackTop<nums.length && memo1[stackTop]<nums[j])
return true;
if(nums[j]>memo1[j]) memo1[--stackTop]=nums[j];
return false;
class Solution {
public boolean find132pattern(int[] nums) {
// n solution: two pass, array and stack
// record the min number from index [0, j]
int[] memo1 = new int[nums.length];
memo1[0] = nums[0];
for (int i=1; i<memo1.length; i++){
memo1[i]=Math.min(memo1[i-1], nums[i]);
// memo2 is a sorted collection,
// that stores the numbers greater than memo1[j]
Deque<Integer> memo2 = new LinkedList<>();
for (int j = nums.length-1; j>0; j--){
// if keep the elements that are smaller than memo1[j]
// then the collection will not be ordered
while(memo2.size()>0 && memo2.peek()<=memo1[j]){
if(memo2.size()>0 && memo2.peek()<nums[j]) return true;
else memo2.push(nums[j]);
return false;
class Solution {
public boolean find132pattern(int[] nums) {
// n2 solution: track the min value before j
int min = nums[0];
for(int i=1; i<nums.length; i++){
for(int j=i+1; j<nums.length;j++){
if(nums[j]<nums[i] && nums[j]>min) return true;
min=Math.min(min, nums[i]);
return false;
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