287. Find the Duplicate Number!
class Solution {
public int largestRectangleArea(int[] heights) {
// Key: use stack to store the index that are larget than the top one
// calsue the max rectangle for each height
int max = 0;
// stores the index not the value
Deque<Integer> memo = new LinkedList<>();
for(int i=0; i<=heights.length; i++){
int modifiedH= i==heights.length? 0 : heights[i];
// remember: not heights[memo.peek()]>=modifiedH
// if there is sequentials same height elements,
// the correct value will be calcuated with pop out the first element
while(memo.size()>0 && heights[memo.peek()]>modifiedH){
int height = heights[memo.pop()];
// contains left and right
int left = memo.size() >0 ? memo.peek() + 1 : 0;
int right = i-1;
max=Math.max(max, height*(right-left+1));
return max;
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